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Verena Konrad, Schanerloch Brücke, Ebnit, Dornbirn (c) Dietmar Denger / Vorarlberg Tourismus

Practically poetic designs…

Building culture and nature

Enjoyment of nature
in Vorarlberg

Bridges with simple elegance

Verena Konrad

These bridges bridge the gap between natural and cultural landscapes

“These bridges bridge the gap between natural and cultural landscapes”, says Verena Konrad, Manager of the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut (vai) in Dornbirn. It is the objectiveof vai, which comprises around 400 members, predominantly from the region, yet also from other place s around the world, to promote regional architecture of a high quality, to present it as an interface between culture, art, craftsmanship, industry, science, politics and tourism.

Verena Konrad, Schanerloch Brücke, Ebnit, Dornbirn (c) Dietmar Denger / Vorarlberg Tourismus
Schanerlochbrücke, Dornbirn-Ebnit © Helmut Düringer / Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH

Verena Konrad – Manager of the vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut on the structures in the Ebnit Valley in Dornbirn, pictured here with the Schanerlochbrücke.

Stefan Marte, Chairman of the vai, and Bernhard Marte from marte.marte architekten are responsible for the bridges in the Ebnit Valley which Verena Konrad is presenting as brilliant achievements from both a technical and an architectural point of view. “They are practically poetic designs whose structural realisation will be delighting us for years to come with their simple elegance,” says Verena Konrad. “These bridges also have a social aspect. As the client, the town of Dornbirn has made the settlements in the high valley permanently accessible.”

They are practically poetic designs which will be delighting us for years to come.

Verena Konrad
Verena Konrad talks about building culture in Vorarlberg

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Vorarlberg Magazine "Poetry in Nature"

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