Forest | Landscape
The religious man from the Alpenwald
The name covers a fairly large pasture area between the Erlenboden and Baad. It is divided into the Vorderen and Hinterer Alpenwald. Until 1935, the agricultural estate was used as a Vorsäß, not as a permanent residence. First mention of the property in a letter of purchase from the year 1573. At that time gave Hanns Jung, “sedentary in the Oberstdorf parish” to Joder Haimen and Martha, his wife, the “Kuowaiden in Alpenwald”. Today there are two more buildings with guest beds next to the farmhouse built in 1621 and the barn built in 1658 in this alpine settlement. The long access road from Mittelberg requires skill and caution from car drivers, especially in winter. A legend says that once a “traveling student” lived here. He rode a goat, the devil. This had to be of service to him. The chronicler writes in 1634 that he has heard the following story from old people: The “traveling student” has known everything that happens in the future. He became a pious man in his old age, who often went to Mittelberg to the cemetery at night and made longer prayers there. Sometimes he also took young boys along the way. Only after some time of praying at the Gottesacker did he let her go “zue die Mädlein”. Shortly before his death, he predicted that three things would happen after his demise: a swarm of bees, an avalanche, and a house burn down. All predictions have actually happened.
Presented by: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
Author: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen -
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