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Apfelkuchen mit Vorarlberger Bergkäse © Rupp AG
A new take on a classic pie

Apple pie with Vorarlberg mountain cheese

This apple pie recipe proves that tart apples and mature Vorarlberg mountain cheese are the perfect combo.

Apple pie with mountain cheese

  • Ingredients
    25 g butter
    40 g sugar
    400 g of Boskop (or other tart) apples
    100 g Alma Vorarlberg mountain cheese
    1 package puff pastry
    coarsely ground black pepper
    1 small sprig of rosemary

  • Preparation
    1. Preheat the oven to 220° C
    2. Peel and core the apples and cut them into circa 3 cm slices.
    3. Melt butter in a pan and cook with sugar, stirring constantly, until a light fragrant caramel is produced.
    4. Place the apple pieces closely together and upright in the caramel and place the pan in the hot oven for 5 minutes.
    5. In the meantime, cut the mountain cheese into 5 mm thick pieces and roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of approx. 5 mm.
    6. Place the cheese slices on top of the apples.
    7. Cut the puff pastry slightly larger than the pan, puncture several times with a fork, place on top of the apples and tuck in the edges around the fruit.
    8. Bake at 220° C for about 20 minutes until golden.
    9. Sprinkle with rosemary and pepper.

    Recipe: Alma

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