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Käselaib im Käsekeller Bregenzerwald, Lingenau © Ludwig Berchtold / KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald
more than a road...

KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald

A journey of discovery for the senses and 2000 years of history in producing cheese in the Bregenzerwald

The KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald (Bregenzerwald Cheese Road) is an association of farmers and alps, alpine dairy farmers and cheesemakers, cheesemongers and restaurants, museums and cable car operators, members of the tourism industry and partners from the worlds of trade and commerce. The over 160 partners which make up the KäseStrasse network are joined together in the objective of maintaining and preserving taste and regional culture.

Stations on the KäseStrasse include: The modern cheese cellar in Lingenau, where some 33,000 wheels of cheese are stored to ripen, is a must-see. There is also a small outlet selling cheese. The Metzler family in Egg offers dairying courses. The innovative farm has garnered a reputation for whey-based beauty products which are on sale at the farm outlet, alongside cheese made of cow’s and goat milk. You can also visit the large pen which is home to cows and goats. A further station is  the Käsehaus in Andelsbuch, open seven days a week selling the entire range of cheeses and delicacies from Bregenzerwald.

Alpe in Schönenbach, Bregenzerwald © Helmut Düringer / Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH
Weißenbachtal, Bregenzerwald © Helmut Düringer / Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH

KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald - visitors can experience the culinary and cultural highlights

Käsekeller Bregenzerwald, Lingenau © Ludwig Berchtold / Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Dorfsennerei im Bregenzerwald © Othmar Heidegger / Bregenzerwald Tourismus

The KäseStrasse isn’t a street or a road in the usual sense: it is a union of experts from various disciplines.

The region


Popular with skiing and hiking enthusiasts, Bregenzerwald is the place for those who appreciate the finer things of life. It’s famed for the surprising juxtaposition of traditional and contemporary architecture, innovative handicraft and the KäseStrasse. Exceptional: the Werkraumhaus in Andelsbuch. International: the Schubertiade Festival in Schwarzenberg.

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