Speeding down the streets on the narrowest of tires
Road biking
Ready, set, pedal
Though a road bike is certainly the fastest way to zoom through the landscape under your own steam, at this pace you’ll still be able to absorb the scenery. Vorarlberg, boasting winding pass roads in top condition, long mountain roads, crisp ups and downs, and plenty of fun places to stop for food or drink, is the perfect place for road bike enthusiasts.
Road bikers will profit from about 24 road bike tours: in particular the pass roads in the Bregenzerwald and Montafon. There are also the classic routes over the Hochtannberg Pass, the Flexen Pass, the Faschinajoch and Furkajoch ridges, the Bödele, the Riedbergpass and over the Silvretta Hochalpenstraße High Alpine Road to the Bielerhöhe. Cross-border tours into Allgäu and the Lechtal and Paznauntal valleys further extend the realm of possibilities.