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Firmensitz Hypo Office, Dornbirn (c) Petra Rainer / Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH
Vorarlberg State Tourist Office

Imprint/Legal Notice

The Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH (Vorarlberg State Tourist Office) creates a powerful brand for the holiday region Vorarlberg in Austria and communicates it in numerous countries.

Imprint/Disclosure in the terms of Sec 24, 25 MedienG, information according to Sec 5 E-Commerce Act:

Vorarlberg State Tourist Office is an official country organisation with strategical leading function. The enterprise was founded in 2008 as a limited liability company. Predecessor was the „land association of Vorarlberg tourism“ which had 115 years of continuance. The company headquarters are in Dornbirn / Austria. Vorarlberg State Tourist Office occupies 21 employees, 15 of it in full time. Principal purpose of the enterprise is the advancement of  tourism in Vorarlberg, in particular the marketing work for the holiday country Vorarlberg.

Media owner:
Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH / State Tourist Board

Postfach 99 / Poststraße 11
A-6850 Dornbirn
Ph. +43 5572/377033-0
Fax. +43 5572/377033-5


Managing Director:
Mag. Christian Schützinger

U VAT Number: ATU 64065335
DVR Number: 005 3040/310 380

Commercial Register Number: FN 307433h
Register Court: Landesgericht Feldkirch

Bank details:
Hypobank Bregenz, Konto-Nr. 1115 1116
BLZ 58000

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Digital agencies
Conception, implementation: TOWA GmbH – Digitalagentur
Hosting & Support: Imagine Digital OG

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