Andreas Haller
As a permaculture horticulturist in the Kleinwalsertal, he relies on self-sufficiency
A head of wild curls, designer stubble, a twinkle in the eye: Andreas Haller would easily pass for a gang leader or a pirate in a film. In real life, however, he has devoted himself to ecologically valuable permaculture here in the Kleinwalsertal.
“I cultivate all kinds of things in my permaculture garden, from cabbages, potatoes and courgettes through to flowers that blossom for a long time and serve as food for bees,” he says. “Despite the altitude of 1,110 metres, my self-sufficiency can cover the majority of my needs and I can even give away some of my produce to family and friends.”
Permaculture is a concept which relies on the permanently functioning, natural cycles for the production of foodstuffs and which also includes social infra structures. Industrially produced foodstuffs are not ecologically viable, according to Andi Haller. “In this way, you end up with fantastic quality which ultimately winds up on your plate!”
Our Kleinwalsertal has a great deal of lovely tributary valleys. They each have a charm of their very own and are great daytrip destinations for hikers.