Thematic Trail | Thematic Trail
Au-Schoppernau | Alpgang
Long tour:
Au/Rehmen church - Berbigen mountain pasture - Upper Sattelalpe - Liegstein - Alpe Sattelegg - Wikia - Holand - Au/Rehmen churchShort tour:
Au/Rehmen church - Berbigen - mountain pasture - Wika - Au/Rehmen churchInsights into farming in the Bregenzerwald are afforded by the 14 stations on the “Alpgang” thematic trail. For economical reasons and in order to maintain the mountain’s sensitive nature, farmers in the Bregenzerwald have been farming their fields in several stages for hundreds of year. In the early summer alpine dairymen and their cows leave the valley and head for the mountain. They spend the summer on the high mountain pasture, and return to the mountain pasture in the autuum, and finally back to the valley. Texts on life in the alps and the cultivated landscape are to be found in stones.
Chances to stop off for a drink/food: Alpe Sattelegg (from mid-June to early September)
Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald (Maßstab 1:32 000). Sämtliche Wanderrouten und wichtige Informationen über Bergbahnen, Hütten und Alpengasthöfe finden Sie in der Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald. Die Wanderkarte ist bei Bregenzerwald Tourismus, in den Tourismusbüros und in einzelnen Hotels erhältlich.
Presented by: Au-Schoppernau Tourismus
Author: Monika Albrecht -
Difficulty: schwer Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Safety instructions: Emergency call:
140 Alpine emergencies Austria
144 Alpine emergencies Vorarlberg
112 Euro- emergency call (works with any mobile network)Equipment: Bergtaugliche Schuhe mit griffiger Sohle empfohlen
Mountain trail – recommended mountain -ready shoes with non- slip sole
Start Au/Rehmen church
Geogr. 47.321953 N 9.997214 EDestination Au/Rehmen church Waypoints
Public transportation:
From Germany:
Autobahn Lindau, Pfänder Tunnel, Autobahnabfahrt Dornbirn Nord – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Mellau – Au
Autobahn Kempten – Immenstadt – Oberstaufen – Grenzübergang Springen-Aach – Lingenau – Egg – Au (mautfrei)
Garmisch-Partenkirchen oder Füssen – Reutte (Tirol) – Lechtal – Warth – Au (mautfrei)From Switzerland:
Autobahn St. Gallen – St. Margrethen/Au – Lustenau – Dornbirn – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Mellau – AuFrom Austria:
Inntal-Autobahn – Innsbruck – St. Anton – Arlbergpaß – Lech – Warth (bei Wintersperre Arlbergtunnel – Dornbirn) – Egg – Mellau – Au
Route PlannerPark:
Public parking at the church