Hiking Trail | Hiking | Hiking Trail
Bregenz | Adventure route Pfänder – Hirschberg
Photo: Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Vorarlberg Rundweg
Photo: Vorarlberg Rundweg
Photo: Dietmar Walser
Photo: Othmar Heidegger - Stadt Bregenz
Photo: Othmar Heidegger - Stadt Bregenz
Photo: Vorarlberg Tourismus
Popular family hike from Pfänder, the local mountain of the inhabitants of Bregenz, across the Hirschberg to Langen.
Popular family hike from Pfänder, the local mountain of the inhabitants of Bregenz, across the Hirschberg to Langen.
Tour through the Alpine Wildlife Park below the Pfänderbahn summit station (open all year round daily from 8.30 to 18.30, free admission, approx. 30 minutes for the Wildlife Park Loop Trail). The Pfänderbahn Museum in the valley station: The exhibition is dedicated to the history of the Pfänderbahn (open daily), Admission free). The cheese-trail to Eichenberg/Lutzenreute with information boards on cheese production (approx. 1.5 h walking time).
Presented by: Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH
Author: Array -
Difficulty: mittel Technique: Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Safety instructions: Emergency phone numbers in Austria:
140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria as a whole
144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg
112 Euro Emergency calls (works with every mobile/provider)
Ascent with the Pfänderbahn to the summit station. From the mountain station hike via the Pfänder summit and the Jungholz parcel to the Hirschbergalpe and Hirschberg. Descent on the southern slope via the Ahornach, Geserberg and Stollen parcels to Langen. Return with the Landbus ( bus line 25) to Bregenz.
Variants: Ascent via “G’schlief”, the “Gschliefweg” (approx. 1.5 h walking time). The hike is also possible in the opposite direction (Langen – Ahornach – Hirschberg – Pfänder, 3 1/2 hours).
Start Bregenz, Pfänderbahn summit station
Geogr. 47.505863 N 9.779418 EDestination Langen, Bregenz Waypoints
Public transportation:
Route PlannerPark:
At the Pfänderbahn or city center of Bregenz