Urban Walk | City tours
Bregenz-Tour – A City Walk
Photo: Vorarlberg von Oben
Photo: Friedrich Böhringer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Christina Spritzendorfer
Photo: Bruno Klomfar
Photo: Wolfgang Baldreich
Photo: Bruno Klomfar
Photo: Vorarlberg von Oben
Photo: Friedrich Böhringer
If you are in Bregenz, you should definitely do this city tour - because many forget the upper town, the medieval old town of Bregenz. You can't get past the Neustadt, harbor and lake promenade - no matter which direction you're coming from. At the Kornmarktplatz you should definitely make a stop in one of the cafés - perhaps the break will also inspire you to visit one of the two museums on the square: vorarlberg museum and Kunsthaus Bregenz - both architectural highlights with exhibitions that are absolutely worth seeing.
If you are in Bregenz, you should definitely do this city tour – because many forget the upper town, the medieval old town of Bregenz. You can’t get past the Neustadt, harbor and lake promenade – no matter which direction you’re coming from. At the Kornmarktplatz you should definitely make a stop in one of the cafés – perhaps the break will also inspire you to visit one of the two museums on the square: vorarlberg museum and Kunsthaus Bregenz – both architectural highlights with exhibitions that are absolutely worth seeing.
Presented by: Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH
Author: Vorarlberg Tourismus -
Difficulty: leicht Technique: Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC -
Public transportation:
Route PlannerPark:
On the large Seestadt car park opposite Bregenz train station