Hiking Trail | Hiking | Hiking Trail
Hittisau | along the Nagelfluh rock face on Hochhäderich
This mountain tour takes you to the most significant summit of the lower Bregenzerwald, the Hochhäderich.
Hochhäderich offers a magnificent view to the north as far as the Allgäu and, to the south, to the Bregenzerwald. You pass large rock faces made up of Nagelfluh rock which are very distinct here. In 2008, 15 towns and villages in the border area of Allgäu and Vorderwald established the “Nagelfluhkette National Park” which covers an area of around 400 km².
Chances to stop off for a drink/food:Hochhäderich mountain inn, Gasthof Alpenrose (Reute)
Sämtliche Wanderrouten und wichtige Informationen über Bergbahnen, Hütten und Alpengasthöfe finden Sie in der Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald. Die Wanderkarte ist bei Bregenzerwald Tourismus, in den Tourismusbüros und in einzelnen Hotels erhältlich.
Presented by: Bregenzerwald
Author: Elisabeth Schneider -
Difficulty: mittel Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Safety instructions: Safety instructions
140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call
www.vorarlberg.travel/sicherheitstippsEquipment: • Nur mit guter körperlicher Kondition in die Berge gehen.
• Als Ausrüstung sind wasserdichte Berg- oder Wanderschuhe, Bergbekleidung im Schichtenprinzip, Funktionsoberteil zum Wechseln zu empfehlen. Sonnenbrille und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen.
• Jause und (warme) Getränke mitnehmen.
• Nicht zu spät aufbrechen – die Dämmerung setzt im Herbst früher ein.More info & links: Further information: www.naturpark-nagelfluhkette.at
This mountain tour takes you to the most significant summit of the lower Bregenzerwald. Hochhäderich offers a magnificent view to the north as faras the Allgäu and, to the south, to the Bregenzerwald. You walk past huge cliffs of gompholite rock on the path, parts of which are really steep.
Start Hittisau-Reute
Geogr. 47.464658 N 9.988623 EDestination Hittisau-Reute Waypoints
Public transportation:
from Germany: Motorway Lindau – Pfänder Tunnel – Motorway exit Dornbirn Nord (toll sticker required) – Bregenzerwald – Alberschwende – Lingenau – Hittisau;
OR Motorway Kempten – Immenstadt – Oberstaufen – Ach – Riefensberg – Krumbach – Hittisaufrom Switzerland: Motorway St. Gallen – St. Margrethen/Au – Lustenau – Dornbirn – Bregenzerwald – Alberschwende – Lingenau – Hittisau
Toll Sticker required by law
A toll applies to the use of Austria’s motorways and dual carriageways. Types of toll sticker: “corridor” toll (border of Germany to the Hohenems exit, close to the Swiss border),
10-day, 2-month and yearly stickers.
Information: www.asfinag.at
Route PlannerPark:
Parking in the centre of Hittisau