Thematic Trail | Thematic Trail
Lingenau | themed Rotenberg forest trail
Photo: Johannes Fink
Photo: Johannes Fink
Photo: Lingenau Tourismus - Lingenau Tourismus
The themed trail offers insights into how important continuous cover forests are and how they’re managed. These sustainably managed forests are particular to the Bregenzerwald’s landscapes.
How important are forests and what species of tree grow in the Bregenzerwald? The Rotenberg forest trail provides a good overview of the answer to these questions. It leads from Lingenau or Hittisau through a particularly species-rich mixed forest with silver fir (which are typical of the Bregenzerwald), beech, spruce, ash, maple, elm and linden trees. Nineteen stations along the way, including a forest room, a high moor and a natural arena made of Nagelfluh rock, reveal interesting facts about the forest. The short circular trail takes around two hours to complete, the long one three and a half hours.
Chances to stop off for a drink/food:inns in Lingenau
Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald (Maßstab 1 : 32.000) Sämtliche Wanderrouten und wichtige Informationen über Bergbahnen, Hütten und Alpengasthöfe finden Sie in der Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald. Die Wanderkarte ist bei Bregenzerwald Tourismus, in den Tourismusbüros und in einzelnen Hotels erhältlich.
Presented by: Bregenzerwald
Author: Elisabeth Schneider -
Difficulty: leicht Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Safety instructions: EMERGENCY CALL:
140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call
www.vorarlberg.travel/sicherheitstippsEquipment: • Nur mit guter körperlicher Kondition in die Berge gehen.
• Als Ausrüstung sind wasserdichte Berg- oder Wanderschuhe, Bergbekleidung im Schichtenprinzip, Funktionsoberteil zum Wechseln zu empfehlen. Sonnenbrille und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen.
• Jause und (warme) Getränke mitnehmen.More info & links: A detailes brochure is available from the tourist office in Lingenau.
Rotenberg forest is the property of 170 owners – one of the smallest structured forests in Austria. Numerous stations on the path, a forest room, an upland moor and a natural area made from gompholite rock form part of this thematic trail, of which there is a large and small route.
Start Lingenau village square
Geogr. 47.450517 N 9.92036 EDestination Lingenau village square Waypoints
Public transportation:
From Germany: Motorway Lindau – Pfänder Tunnel – exit Dornbirn Nord (toll sticker required) – Bregenzerwald – Alberschwende – Lingenau; OR Motorway Kempten – Immenstadt – Oberstaufen – Ach – Riefensberg – Krumbach – Lingenau
From Switzerland: Motorway St. Gallen – St. Margrethen/Au – Lustenau – Dornbirn – Bregenzerwald – Alberschwende – Lingenau
Route PlannerPark:
Lingenau village square