Hiking Trail | Hiking Trail
Warth-Schröcken | from lake to lake
Hochtannbergpass (1,675 m) - Kalbelesee - Körbersee (1,670 m) - Batzenalpe - Schröcken centre of town (1,250 m)
The two lakes on the Hochtannberg mountain are your guide on this ramble. The Batzenalpe is a licensed alpine pasture. Here, in the alp museum, you discover what life in earlier times was like. From the Hochtannberg pass, an extended, wide path takes you to the Körbersee, which lies at approximately the same altitude as the Hochtannberg pass. From there, a wide agricultural path takes you downwards across the Batzenalpe to Schröcken.
Chances to stop off for a drink/food:Hotel Körbersee, Batzenalpe (during the alp season from mid/late June to mid September), inns in Schröcken Rest & Play:Short trip in a rowing boat on the Körbersee, brooks, Batzenalpe
Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald (Maßstab 1 : 32.000) Sämtliche Wanderrouten und wichtige Informationen über Bergbahnen, Hütten und Alpengasthöfe finden Sie in der Wanderkarte Bregenzerwald. Die Wanderkarte ist bei Bregenzerwald Tourismus, in den Tourismusbüros und in einzelnen Hotels erhältlich.
Presented by: Bregenzerwald
Author: Elisabeth Schneider -
Difficulty: leicht Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Equipment: - Festes Schuhwerk
- Regenjacke
- Jause und Getränke
- geländegängiger Kinderwagen
More info & links: Opening times Alpmuseum:
T +43 5519 2670 -
Start Schröcken Hochtannbergpass
Geogr. 47.269395 N 10.130214 EDestination Schröcken centre of town Waypoints
Public transportation:
From Germany:
Motorway Lindau, Pfänder Tunnel, Exit Dornbirn Nord – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Au – SchröckenMotorway Kempten – Immenstadt – Oberstaufen – border cross Springen-Aach – Lingenau – Egg – Au – Schröcken
From Switzerland:
Motorway St. Gallen – St. Margrethen/Au – Lustenau – Dornbirn – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Au – Schröcken.
Route PlannerPark: