Winter hike from Kalbelesee to Körbersee and retour
At the Hochtannbergpass the path leads you past the Kalbelesee to the picturesque Körbersee. The mountain hotel invites you to take a breather before you walk back up the same path.
Hochtannbergpass – Kalbelesee – Körbersee – Kalbelesee – Hochtannbergpass
Kartenmaterial bekommen Sie in den Tourismusbüros Warth und Schröcken. Oder schon vorab hier.
Presented by: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Author: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus -
Difficulty: mittel Technique: Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Safety instructions: Emergency numbers.
140 – Alpine emergencies throughout Austria
144 – Alpine emergencies in Vorarlberg
112 – Euro emergency call
Equipment: This should never be missing on the mountain.
Backpack, First-Aid Set incl. Bladder plaster, telephone with emergency number, cash, drinking bottle, pocket knife, provisions, sun protection in good weather.
More info & links: More tours in our region can be found here.
Hochtannbergpass – Kalbelesee – Körbersee – Kalbelesee – Hochtannbergpass
Start Hochtannbergpass
Geogr. 47.268095 N 10.127366 EDestination Hochtannbergpass Waypoints
Public transportation:
All information about the buses can be found here.
All information about parking spaces can be found here.